(250) 847-5211

Housing Advisor & Economic Development

Lydia Howard

Lydia Howard

Housing Advisor & Economic Development Officer

250-847-5211 Ext: 208.    

Email: housing.advisor@dzelkant.com

Lydia Howard was hired by the Dze L K’ant Friendship Centre Society as Housing Advisor in 2018, and is the team lead for the BC Housing Smithers Affordable Housing Project.

Lydia has experience in both government and the non-profit sector. In her career, she has worked in the areas of policy development, communications, and development. Lydia holds a Bachelor degree from the University of Otago (New Zealand) and a Diploma in Creative Writing. Lydia is passionate about poverty reduction, housing, and healthy communities. Lydia is currently studying toward her MA in Human Security and Peacebuilding.

The Housing Advisor and Economic Development Officer identifies funding opportunities and prepares proposals; engages with stakeholders; develops internal organizational capacity and policy relating to housing, homelessness, and a range of other Friendship Centre Initiatives.